"Tonight there are two kinds of darkness in this city. First, there’s that darkness which is merely the absence of light. And then there’s that darkness which is the physical presence- the very manifestation- of the ultimate, Satanic evil. That second and malignant form of darkness feeds upon and cloaks itself in the first and more ordinary kind of darkness, cleverly disguises itself. But it’s out there. Therefore, I don’t wish to have shadows close to me this night, if I can avoid it, for one never knows when an innocent patch of shade might be something more than it appears."
No, that isn't a member of the mask-happy metal band Slipknot, but probably one of the most blatantly fucking evil dubstep artists I've seen to date. Check out his new track "Gutfucker" below which reminds me of the scene from one of the SAW movies where the dude is getting pig guts slammed onto him. RUDE!
[DL] Stenchman - Gutfucker
[DL] Zombie Nation - Forza (Housemeister Remix)
[DL] AC Slater - Vertigo (Nick Supply Remix)
[DL] Hostage - Special Brew
[DL] Patrick Wolf - Hard Times (Jack Beats Remix)
- S.
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